Pendragon compares the Beatles to Will Dockery and ranks Nelly Black lower
(too old to reply)
Will Dockery
2018-08-27 17:08:35 UTC
"We know that The Beatles and myself rest on the "Decent" level.
Nelly Black is at least one level lower than The Beatles and me"
All in reaction to posts by Michael Pendragon, and all based on his music
Since the topic of the vocal talent of Sandy Madaris came up
yesterday, here is one of her duets with me, so the listeners

Way Back Home" by Sandy Madaris, written with Luke Powers,
produced by Tommy Spurlock. From the CD Way Back Home.
she's a screamer..tell her I told you
We agree. and when she's not screaming, she's shrieking. Will, tell
her to take it back to the privacy of her own bedroom.
If you actually had listened to the recording, you'd know that your
statement about Sandy is false.
If you want to critique, fine, but at least review, or at least
listen, to the work first?
We did critiques in another thread. She does not have a singing voice
that belongs on the stage or anywhere actually. Another old person
looking to claim some fame in the amateur nights.
I can't argue with an honest opinion, although I must say I don't often
hear any pans of Sandy's talent.
But art is subjective, after all. The least you can do, I would hoe, is
provide a link to the recordings, so readers can listen and form their own
opinions, NG.
She's a really bad singer, Will. Not terrible, mind you ... but really bad.

And I think you should know by now that my critiques are unbiased.

I think you have a decent voice, and have said so in the past. You can stay
in key. She can't. Your voice has a nice timbre to it (once one gets past
their initial reaction to the damage from 40 years of chain-smoking), it's
not bad. It's not good, either (you mostly just talk-sing, rarely attempt
to carry a tune, and can't hold an end note to save your life), but you rate
a solid decent.

Nelly Black's voice is okay ... if she's singing at a church social, or ...
on open mic night at the local bar. She can stay in key, and has a nice
sounding, but fatally weak, voice. "Okay" is a notch below "decent," so
you've got her beat as well ... though not by much.

Sandy Madaris is, no doubt, a very nice woman. But she has no more vocal
talent than ... I do. She may even be a worse ... although I'm not in a
position to judge.


Again, this is the thread where the misattribution the anonymous troll made
came from...

Pendragon wrote the comparisons, or rather ranked The Beatles on the same
level as mne, and Nelly on another level.

More to come...
Will Dockery
2018-08-27 17:12:26 UTC
"We know that The Beatles and myself rest on the "Decent" level.
Nelly Black is at least one level lower than The Beatles and me"
All based on a ranking by Pendragon.

Fuck me. I missed that gem

Since the topic of the vocal talent of Sandy Madaris came up
yesterday, here is one of her duets with me, so the listeners
Way Back Home" by Sandy Madaris, written with Luke Powers,
produced by Tommy Spurlock. From the CD Way Back Home.
she's a screamer..tell her I told you
We agree. and when she's not screaming, she's shrieking. Will, tell
her to take it back to the privacy of her own bedroom.
If you actually had listened to the recording, you'd know that your
statement about Sandy is false.
If you want to critique, fine, but at least review, or at least
listen, to the work first?
We did critiques in another thread. She does not have a singing voice
that belongs on the stage or anywhere actually. Another old person
looking to claim some fame in the amateur nights.
I can't argue with an honest opinion, although I must say I don't often
hear any pans of Sandy's talent.
But art is subjective, after all. The least you can do, I would hoe, is
provide a link to the recordings, so readers can listen and form their own
opinions, NG.
She's a really bad singer, Will. Not terrible, mind you ... but really bad.

And I think you should know by now that my critiques are unbiased.

I think you have a decent voice, and have said so in the past. You can stay
in key. She can't. Your voice has a nice timbre to it (once one gets past
their initial reaction to the damage from 40 years of chain-smoking), it's
not bad. It's not good, either (you mostly just talk-sing, rarely attempt
to carry a tune, and can't hold an end note to save your life), but you rate
a solid decent.

Nelly Black's voice is okay ... if she's singing at a church social, or ...
on open mic night at the local bar. She can stay in key, and has a nice
sounding, but fatally weak, voice. "Okay" is a notch below "decent," so
you've got her beat as well ... though not by much.

Sandy Madaris is, no doubt, a very nice woman. But she has no more vocal
talent than ... I do. She may even be a worse ... although I'm not in a
position to judge.


Again, this is the thread where the misattribution the anonymous troll made
came from...

Pendragon wrote the comparisons, or rather ranked The Beatles on the same
level as mne, and Nelly on another level.

The original thread has been bumped to the top...
